ICT / Computer Science
The focus of the new computer science curriculum moves towardsprogramming and other aspects of computer science.
Computer science incorporates techniques and methods for solving problems and advancing knowledge, and includes a distinct way of thinking and working that sets it apart from other disciplines. The role of programming in computer science is similar to that of practical work in other sciences – it provides motivation and a context within which ideas are brought to life.
Computational thinking is core to the programme of study throughout KS3 and KS4. It is the process of recognising aspects of computation in the world that surrounds us, and applying tools and techniques from computing to understand and reason about both natural and artificial systems and processes. Computational thinking provides a powerful framework for studying computing, with wide application beyond computing itself. It allows pupils to tackle problems, to break them down into solvable chunks and to devisealgorithms to solve them.
ICT skills are essential for success in employment and higher education, and are among the fundamental transferable skills required by employers.
ICT delivers these skills across the whole range of learning styles and abilities, effectively engaging and inspiring all students to achieve great things.
Computer Science Year 7 Extended Learning
Computer Science Year 8 Extended Learning
Computer Science Year 9 Extended Learning
Computer Science Year 10 Extended Learning
Computer Science Year 11 Extended Learning