English KS3

In Y7-9 students follow National Curriculum Orders, working to achieve skills that will allow them not only to tackle their GCSE years with confidence, but will set them on course for A Level, should they wish to follow that pathway. Students study a range of texts, including Shakespeare, modern/19th century prose, modern drama and poetry, focussing on aspects of critical analysis. Writing skills centre upon the formality required for literary study combined with the different genres of creative writing whilst speaking/listening skills are taught in order to encourage effective communication in a range of scenarios/circumstances. Regular assessment ensures understanding of student progress whilst simultaneously permitting targeted intervention where necessary.

Homework is intended to provide extension as well as consolidation, offering students some choice of task as the year progresses, which targets their abilities and interests.

Enrichment is offered through theatre trips/visiting writers where possible as well as internal/external competitions. This year, we are hoping to further develop our enrichment with a writing club, promoting the development of students’ personal style/ability.

English Extended Learning